Pizzeria Pinocchio
Dorfring 1, 19348 Pirow
Be aware of the bill you get, nothing to do with the price menu, for what you pay in this restaurant you are better to try another restaurant nearby. Most of the dishes in the menu are not available you will get mostly some pasta, charged as gold, and a salad that each bit is charged the same as silver.
Norddeutsche Bauernstube
Mühlenstr. 7, 19300 Grabow
Gasthaus zum Steineck
Steindamm 13, 19300 Grabow (Mecklenburg)
Gaststätte Grüne Gurke
Grüner Steig 21, 19300 Grabow (Mecklenburg)
Landgasthaus Meynbacher Quell
Dorfstr. 6, 19300 Milow
Gaststätte Lindenkrug
Lindenstr. 3, 19288 Leussow
Schloßstraße 12, 19288 Ludwigslust, Mecklenburg
Holger Hirte
Dorfstr. 5, 19357 Karstädt
Bahnhofstr. 37, 19294 Eldena
Gasthof Zur Schmiede Inh. Otto Arite
Petrus-Kregenow-Str. 30, 19357 Karstädt
Robin Hood Festspiel GmbH
Am Flugplatz 9, 19306 Neustadt-Glewe
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